October - November
November 7 - 15 ASCA National Specialty, Las Vegas, NV
We have GREAT news from Vegas!!
- Tahoe was the Veteran Agility
Finals reserve champion, taking 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st in
the 4 rounds of competition; she also placed in the tough
Veteran Bitch conformation classes and finished her ASCA
- Trek took 5th in the Novice Obedience
Finals and ran well in the Agility Finals. He earned other
legs in the pre- and nationals trials but alas no gamblers
- Taiko won the Standard Agility
Finals!!! He won 2 of the rounds and took 2nd in Round
1. He was also very competitive in the agility pre-trials
and National trials, earning many placements. He also earned
his first ASCA CDX leg!
- Dude ran well in the Agility Finals!
- Pecos competed in MVA and earned
a conformation score of 87.5 out of 90!
October 29 - November 2 USDAA Cynosport Games, Scottsdale,
- Tahoe made the finals in both
Performance Grand Prix and Performance Speed Jumping! (She
loves running under the lights.) She also took 6th in 16"
PVP Standard

- Trek's team ("Some Assembly
Required") with Sandy Zajkowski/Chip and Tracey Sirbello/Maiya
finished 43rd out of 170 teams! Trek also tried out Rally
and earned his RL1 in his first weekend.
- Killy had her typical moments
of brilliance as well as bobbles at the poles. Highlights
from WestWorld include a lovely snooker run (with poles!)
and a 17.4 sec Course A'Lure run, earning a Silver Medal!
August - October
We've been too busy to update the new page and there's a
lot to report!
Highlights from BT CPE, PASA ASCA (x2), SMART, Bay Team,
SWAT, VAST, TRACS and Haute Dawgs USDAA:
- Tahoe qualified for the PGP Semis
at the Bay Team SW Regional, took 2nd in PSJ Rd 2 and earned
her APD at Haute Dawgs!
- Trek qualified for the GP Semis
at the Bay Team SW Regional, earned another Super Q, and
had a nail-biting Q with his team, "Into Thin Air (with
Styx/Karey Krauter and Fate/Rob Michalski); he also has
qualified for the 2009 ASCA Agility finals in CO; now he
just has to keep his point totals in the rankings; he also
finished his CL3
- Killy qualified for the GP Semis
at the Bay Team SW Regional; she finished her MAD at TRACS
and now has also earned her RM, GM and TM.
- Taiko finished his RAE!
- Sandia earned her ADCH at Haute
- Dude earned his AD at SWAT!
July 4-6 Bay Team USDAA test, Sunnyvale, CA
- Tahoe enjoyed a bit of rest (she
didn't compete in PVP) and then came out supercharged for
P3 Pairs (1st place with Sandy Rogers/Brink (BC)) and PSJ
(2nd in Round 1, 1st in Round 2!). She also got the P3 Gamble,
and Qd in P3 Snooker.
- Trek's team ("Trek's Boo-Boo"
with Ellen Finch/Boost and Sue Roberts/Booker) didn't Q,
but he had some great runs in the effort. He got another
GP leg to finish his TM-Bronze, finished his RM with two
pairs runs (with Boost/Ellen Finch (BC) and Comet/Katy Robertson
(BC)). To top it all off, he got his first Super Q!!!
- Killy finished her RM on a nice
pairs run with Thyme/Sharon Freilich (BC). Her team "Scratch"
with Derby/Tammy Langer (BC) and Tala/Greg Leal (BC) finished
in the stats with a nice Q as well.
- Taiko's team "Slipstream
Sandwich" with Sandia/Sharon Kennedy
and Kidd/Tania Chadwick (BC) took 6th overall! Taiko also
took 3rd in the 26" Grand Prix, Qd in Masters Gamblers
and Standard (3rd place). He also finished his Jumpers Championship
- Sandia finished her SAM and
Qd in Team, Grand Prix and Steeplechase, all with great
June 28-29 ASCA Agility, Albuquerque, NM
- Reno earned two vet Elite Jumpers
legs, and an Elite Regular leg, finishing his RV-E!
- Dude earned 35 points
in Elite Regular (with 3 1st place finishes!), an Elite
Gamblers leg and 2 Elite Jumpers legs (both 2nd place)
June 27-29 Columbia Agility Team USDAA NW Regional Championships,
Canby, OR
- Tahoe and her teammates Brink/Sandy
Rogers (BC) took 6th overall in the PVP tournament. Tahoe
also Qd in PSJ and had a heartbreak of a run in Rd 2 of
PGP. She also racked up more legs in P3 Snooker and Jumpers.
- Trek and teammates Taiko/Dave
Grubel (Aussie, we kidnapped him for the weekend) and Echo/Linda
White (Sheltie) took 5th overall in the DAM tournament with
their team, "Au See a Sheltie." Trek also Qd in
Steeplechase, Standard (x2), Snooker and Jumpers and finished
his MAD and JCH!
- Killy and teammates Super/Linda
Mecklenburg (BC) and Jace/Lisa Ross (BC) Qd in Team.
- Taiko Qd in Masters Standard
and Jumpers, had a great team effort with Trek, above, and
also Qd in Steeplechase. His Tournament Qs finished his
Tournament Master-Silver title.
June 20 Napa Dog Training Club AKC Obedience Trials, Vallejo,
- Taiko earned his 5th RAE leg
with two perfect 100 scores in Advanced B and Excellent
B Rally, both 1st places!
June 20-22 NNASC ASCA Agility and Obedience Trials, Carson
City, NV
- Tahoe had a great weekend! She
was HIT Veteran in agility, got her 2nd CD leg with a 192.5
and 1st place out of Novice A, and took 2nd overall in the
"Most Versatile Urban Aussie" competition (combination
of obedience, agility and conformation scores). She was
the highest scoring dog in the conformation evaluation,
receiving an 88 out of 90 points from Linda Buell/Woodstock!
- Trek tested the waters in obedience
again and unfortunately flunked the sit stay on two great
runs (he would have received a 200 score the first round
and a 198.5 on the second!). He also got 3 Elite Jumpers
Qs to finish his JS-E-SP, earned 3 Elite Regular legs including
a first place, and earned another gamble! In his first trial
he is almost qualified for CO Agility Finals!
- Killy won Elite Gamblers, finished
her RS-O and got another Elite Jumpers leg!
- Pecos finished his GS-N and his
May 30 - June 1 NAF USDAA Test, Turlock, CA
- Tahoe Qd in P3 Snooker and Standard
(both 2nd place) and PSJ, winning round 1.
- Trek's team "Trepko"
with Taiko/Liza Buckner (Aussie)
and Kep/Laura Jones (BC) took 2nd overall! Trek also Qd
in Masters Pairs with Koda/Melissa Farquhar (All-American),
Grand Prix & Steeplechase, earning his Tournament Master
- Taiko had another great weekend,
with an awesome team effort (1st in Team Gamblers, 2nd overall),
Q in GP, 3rd in Steeplechase, 2nd in Snooker.
May 25-26 COAST ASCA Agility Trial, Cayucos, CA
- Trek won 2 rounds of Elite Jumpers
and took 2nd in two rounds of Elite Regular, for 4 more
Qs/Finals points!
- Taiko had another great weekend,
going 3/3 in Elite Regular (all 1sts) to earn his ATCH!
May 23-26 TRACS AKC Agility Trial, Dixon, CA
- Tahoe finished her OFP, and won
Ex B Preferred JWW all 4 days!
- Killy got her first AXJ leg with
a 2nd place and finished her NF with two first places! She
stayed on course in both rounds of ISC (winning "style
points" for Std, and ... held *all* of her contacts!!!
May 17-18 PASA ASCA Agility Trial, Hollister, CA
- Tahoe was the fastest qualifying
dog at the trial (according to the stats)
- Trek finally earned his last qualification
legs (2 Regular) to qualify for the ASCA Agility Finals
in Las Vegas this November! He also got an insurance Elite
Regular leg and went 4/4 in Elite Jumpers.
- Taiko missed taking HIT by a
toenail (missed A-frame contact), but had an overall great
May 9-11 CVASC ASCA Agility Trial, Woodlake, CA
- Trek inched closer to qualifying
for the 2008 ASCA agility finals by earning 3 Jumpers legs
(all 2nd place to Taiko) to finish his JS-E-OP, and 15 points
in Elite Regular for his RS-E.
- Taiko had a great weekend, despite
being rather pushy on his startlines. (He's so bad .. yet
so good at it!). To celebrate his 4th birthday, he went
11/12 on the weekend, winning most of his classes and taking
HIT Elite!

(HIT Elite) & Annabelle (HIT Veteran) with Liza Buckner,
Judge Karen Birdsong, Rita
(HIT Open) with Geri Lu Jurey
May 3-4 SWAT NADAC Trial, Albuquerque, NM
- Reno celebrated his 7th birthday
weekend by earning his OAC-V with two first places!
- Dude won Elite Regular
and two rounds of Open Jumpers! He also Qd in Novice Chances.
May 3-4 Bay Team USDAA Test, Sunnyvale, CA
- Tahoe earned her LAA Gold
on Saturday on a beautiful 4th place P3 Jumpers run! She
also won P3 Gamblers, Snooker and Standard, and Qd in PSJ
(1st in Rd 1, 2nd in Rd 2).
- Trek surprised everyone by earning
another Masters Standard leg; he also Qd in Relay with Taiko
and Jumpers on Sunday.
- Killy didn't make the scoreboard
but had some great runs that were just near misses.
- Taiko Qd in Relay with Trek
and won Masters Gamblers!
- Sandia had a great weekend!
She Qd in both Jumpers rounds, Super Qd/3rd and then Qd
in Snooker to finish her SM; took 2nd in Relay with Cayenne/Aussie
and Donna Haraway for her RM!
April 26-27 SMART USDAA Test, Prunedale, CA
- Tahoe moved closer to her LAA
Gold by earning Qs in PSJ, P3 Standard (1st), P3 Jumpers
(1st) and P3 Snooker. Now only 2 to go!
- Trek returned after injury to
earn two tournament Qs (clean in GP and a STP Q, now fully
qualified for Scottsdale this November!) and earned another
Masters Jumpers leg.
- Killy earned another Masters
Relay leg (with Heath/BC and Terry LeClair), a Snooker Super
Q, and another Masters Gamblers Q!
April 10-13 Haute TRACS USDAA Tests, Dixon, CA
- Tahoe was only entered in a few
runs, but Qd in P3 Jumpers, Snooker and PVP ("T &
A v2.0" with Annabelle/Aussie and Liza Buckner)!
- Killy earned her 2nd GP Q with
a fast time so now she is fully qualified for Scottsdale!
She also Qd in Masters Gamblers (on a weavepole gamble no
less!), Masters Pairs (with her sister Stuie and Rachel
Sanders), and her team "Girls Canby Wild" (with
Styx/BC & Karey Krauter and Fate/BC & Rob Michalski)
earned a Team Q.
- Taiko had a great weekend, earning
several Qs (including the important ones!). He wasn't entered
in Team originally but since someone had to pull, that vacated
a spot. Liza and Taiko jumped on in and earned a Q with
Carson/BC & Lisa Williams and Bam/BC & Tracey Golden!
Going into the weekend Taiko needed 3 legs (Standard, Gamblers
& Pairs) to finish his Championship. He paired with
mama Tahoe on Friday and she was a bit too frisky at 22"
and unfortunately went off course. He earned the Standard
(5th place) and Gamblers legs on Friday and Saturday, leaving
us all in suspense until Sunday morning's pairs run with
sister Sandia. Luckily they made
it through, earned the Q and finished his ADCH!!!
He also took 9th in Steeplechase, Qd in the GP and Jumpers,
earned an insurance Standard leg (also 5th) and won Snooker
for another Super Q.
- Sandia also had a great weekend,
earning a Snooker Super Q, two Pairs Qs, and Qs in Standard,
Jumpers & Gamblers!
March 29-30 PASA ASCA Agility and Obedience Trials, Turlock,
- Tahoe was the fastest Elite dog
(of all heights) on several runs, winning every class she
entered that weekend. The tally included Qs in Vet 16"
Jumpers, Gamblers and Regular.
- Trek made his obedience debut,
earning his ASCA with a 195 average, winning two classes
and taking HIT Overall out of Novice B with 196 on Sunday!
That should sit him well to qualify for the ASCA Novice
Obedience Finals to be held in November in Las Vegas! He
also earned his GS-E with a gamblers Q, 2 Elite Jumpers
legs and two 5-point Elite Regular Qs.
- Taiko went 9/10 and took the
HIT Elite dog honors! He won several classes and posted
some smoking times.
March 24 Countywide AKC Obedience Trial, Petaluma, CA
- Taiko won Ex B Rally to finish
his RE and then went on to get his first RAE leg with 1st
and 4th places.
March 14-16 Columbia River Agility Club AKC Agility Trial,
Albany, OR
- Sandia finished her AX with
a win and also Qd in Excellent B JWW!
March 15-16 Canine Agility Team USDAA Test, Madera, CA
- Tahoe won P3 Jumpers, took 2nd
in PSJ Rd 1 and took 2nd in P3 Snooker!
- Taiko took 1st in 26" Masters
Snooker to finish his SM!
March 7-9 Willamette Agility Group USDAA Test, Corvallis,
- Sandia had a great weekend,
finishing her MAD with that 3rd Masters standard leg with
2nd place, taking 2nd in Rd 1 of Steeplechase, and 2nd in
Masters Gamblers!
February 24 AKC Obedience Trial, Daly City, CA
- Taiko earned his first two legs
in Excellent Rally with 1st and 2nd place ribbons; he also
earned a Q in Open B!
February 16 PASA ASCA Tracking Test, Salinas, CA
- Taiko passed the TD test in 5
February 2-3 Vizsla Club AKC Trial, Santa Rosa, CA
- Sandia took 1st and 2nd in Ex
B JWW and 3rd in Ex B FAST!!!
February 2-3 VAST USDAA Test, Turlock, CA
- Tahoe won another bye in PGP,
and also Qd in P3 16" Std, Jumpers & Snooker!
- Trek got his first Masters Gamblers
and Standard Qs! He also Qd in Masters Jumpers!
- Killy ... well, shall we say
she came, she saw, she jumped ... and occasionally didn't
jump to earn a few too many Rs..
- Taiko had a great weekend, Qing
in Masters Standard (3rd), Gamblers x 2 (2nd and Q), Pairs
(4th), Jumpers (5th), Snooker, Steeplechase and GP!
January 26 Bay Team USDAA Test, Santa Rosa, CA
- Tahoe went 4/5 with wins in Snooker
and Relay, and 2nd place honors in Standard and Jumpers
- Trek ran really well and earned
another Snooker leg with a great go of it, too bad about
that dropped 7!
- Killy and Sandia
took 3rd in Masters Pairs with an awesome run!
- Taiko earned Pairs and Snooker
- Sandia got a Super Q in addition
to her Pairs Q/3rd with Killy!
January 19-20 Border Terrier Club of the Redwoods AKC Agility
Trial, Santa Rosa, CA
- Sandia took 4th in Excellent
FAST on Saturday!
January 20 Santa Clara DTC AKC Obedience Trial, San Jose,
- Taiko finished his RA with a
score of 100 and a win! He also qualified in Open B.
January 19 Haute Dawgs CPE Trial, Elk Grove, CA
- Tahoe went 4/5 just missing a
tough L5 Jackpot, all with first places! (Qs in L5 Standard,
Colors, Snooker and Fullhouse)
- Trek went 5/5, earning 1st in
L3 Jumpers, 2nd in L3 Standard, Jackpot and Fullhouse and
earning a Q (placement unconfirmed) in Snooker.
- Killy went 4/5, taking 1st in
L3 Fullhouse, L3 Jackpot, L2 Colors and Qing in L3 Standard,
also earning her CL2-H and CL2!
January 12-13 ACSD USDAA Test, Chula Vista, CA
- Tahoe got her 2nd PGP Q for the
2008 season, won P3 Snooker and had a great run in P3 Jumpers
(placement unknown, we had to hit the road)
- Trek held all his startlines and
ran really well, taking 5th in the 22" GP for his 2nd
Q for the 2008 season; he also picked up Masters Jumpers
and Snooker legs
- Killy got her first Masters Jumpers
leg with a great run!
January 12-13 WAG NADAC Trial, Elk Grove, CA
- Taiko finished his EAC with 2nd
and 3rd places, got an Open Chances leg, and finished his
Novice Tunnelers and Touch N Go titles!
January 1 WAG NADAC Trial, Elk Grove, CA
- Taiko finished his Novice Chances
and Open Jumpers titles with a win, and also earned his
first two Elite Regular legs with 1st and 2nd places!